Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport JED
Get detailed information on Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport (JED) located in Saudi Arabia. You can access the Timezone, IATA Code, ICAO Code, Condition, Wind, Humidity, Latitude, Longitude and Nearby Airports.
13:43 (UTC+03:00)
- Country
- Saudi Arabia
- Timezone
- Asia/Riyadh
- IATA Code
- ICAO Code
- Latitude
- 21.679564
- Longitude
- 39.156536
Alternative Airports Near Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport (JED)
You can review these airports close to Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport to get a better idea about finding the most convinient airport for your air cargo.
- Makkah SA Bus StationQCA
- Taif Regional AirportTIF / OETF
- Yanbu AirportYNB / OEYN
- Al-Baha Domestic AirportABT / OEBA
- Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz AirportMED / OEMA
Alternative Sea Ports Near Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport (JED)
You can review these sea ports close to Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
Most Popular Airlines in Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport
Gain insights on the most preferred Airlines for air cargo transportation. Discover the most popular air cargo airlines in Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport