Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh LSW
Get detailed information on Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh (LSW) located in Indonesia. You can access the Timezone, IATA Code, ICAO Code, Condition, Wind, Humidity, Latitude, Longitude and Nearby Airports.
18:55 (UTC+07:00)
- Country
- Indonesia
- Timezone
- Asia/Jakarta
- IATA Code
- ICAO Code
- Latitude
- 5.22668
- Longitude
- 96.95034
Alternative Airports Near Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh (LSW)
You can review these airports close to Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh to get a better idea about finding the most convinient airport for your air cargo.
- Takengon Rembele AirportTXE / WITK
- Cut Nyak Dhien AirportMEQ / WITC
- Sultan Iskandar Muda International AirportBTJ / WITT
- Maimun Saleh AirportSBG / WIAB
- Kualanamu International AirportKNO / WIMM
Alternative Sea Ports Near Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh (LSW)
You can review these sea ports close to Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
Most Popular Airlines in Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh
Gain insights on the most preferred Airlines for air cargo transportation. Discover the most popular air cargo airlines in Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh