Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle PQI
Get detailed information on Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI) located in United States (USA). You can access the Timezone, IATA Code, ICAO Code, Condition, Wind, Humidity, Latitude, Longitude and Nearby Airports.
06:38 (UTC-05:00)
- Country
- United States (USA)
- Timezone
- America/New_York
- IATA Code
- ICAO Code
- Latitude
- 46.688958
- Longitude
- -68.044797
Alternative Airports Near Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)
You can review these airports close to Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle to get a better idea about finding the most convinient airport for your air cargo.
- Bangor International AirportBGR / KBGR
- Hancock County-Bar Harbor AirportBHB / KBHB
- Waterville Robert Lafleur AirportWVL / KWVL
- Augusta State AirportAUG / KAUG
- Knox County Regional AirportRKD / KRKD
Most Popular Airlines in Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle
Gain insights on the most preferred Airlines for air cargo transportation. Discover the most popular air cargo airlines in Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle