Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport SPS
Get detailed information on Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport (SPS) located in United States (USA). You can access the Timezone, IATA Code, ICAO Code, Condition, Wind, Humidity, Latitude, Longitude and Nearby Airports.
- Country
United States (USA)
- Timezone
- America/Chicago
- IATA Code
- ICAO Code
- Latitude
- 33.988797
- Longitude
- -98.491894
Alternative Airports Near Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport (SPS)
You can review these airports close to Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport to get a better idea about finding the most convinient airport for your air cargo.
- Kickapoo Downtown AirportKIP / KCWC
- Frederick Municipal AirportFDR / KFDR
- Lawton–Fort Sill Regional AirportLAW / KLAW
- Halliburton FieldDUC / KDUC
- Gainesville Municipal AirportGLE / KGLE
Alternative Sea Ports Near Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport (SPS)
You can review these sea ports close to Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
Most Popular Airlines in Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport
Gain insights on the most preferred Airlines for air cargo transportation. Discover the most popular air cargo airlines in Sheppard Air Force Base/Wichita Falls Municipal Airport