Get detailed information on DIEGO SUAREZ (MGDIE) located in Madagascar. You can access the location, weather, local time, nearby ports and more details about DIEGO SUAREZ.
01:55 (UTC+03:00)
- Country
- Madagascar
- Timezone
- Indian/Antananarivo
- Code
- Latitude
- -12.270663
- Longitude
- 49.287294
Alternative Sea Ports Near Port of DIEGO SUAREZ (MGDIE)
You can review these sea ports close to Port of DIEGO SUAREZ to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
Alternative Airports Near Port of DIEGO SUAREZ (MGDIE)
You can review these airports close to Port of DIEGO SUAREZ to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
- Arrachart AirportDIE / FMNA
- Fascene Nosy Be AirportNOS / FMNN
- Sambava AirportSVB / FMNS
- Maroantsetra AirportWMN / FMNR
- Amborovy AirportMJN / FMNM
Most Popular Carriers in Port of DIEGO SUAREZ
Gain insights on the most preferred shipping lines for container transportation. Discover the most popular carriers in Port of DIEGO SUAREZ.