Get detailed information on LATTAKIA (SYLTK) located in Syria. You can access the location, weather, local time, nearby ports and more details about LATTAKIA.
07:19 (UTC+03:00)
- Country
- Syria
- Timezone
- Asia/Damascus
- Code
- Latitude
- 35.531
- Longitude
- 35.754
Alternative Sea Ports Near Port of LATTAKIA (SYLTK)
You can review these sea ports close to Port of LATTAKIA to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
Alternative Airports Near Port of LATTAKIA (SYLTK)
You can review these airports close to Port of LATTAKIA to get a better idea about finding the most convinient port for your shipment.
- LattakiaLTK / OSLK
- Tartus SYQTR
- HomsQHS
- Aleppo International AirportALP / OSAP
- Damascus International AirportDAM / OSDI
Most Popular Carriers in Port of LATTAKIA
Gain insights on the most preferred shipping lines for container transportation. Discover the most popular carriers in Port of LATTAKIA.